Let's try to get more plug-in manufacturers onboard!

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Let's try to get more plug-in manufacturers onboard!

Post by theconnactic » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:20 am

I just posted this message on Waves Audio's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/waves/):

Hey, Waves Audio! Any chance some of your plug-ins are ported to iOS so they work with WaveMachineLab's Auria Pro (which is a VST host)? Specially Waves Tune and vocal rider? FabFilter's already did that, as well as PSP and FXpansion, and you guys have developed some unique tools! Pretty please? Cheers!

if you are unsure about the market, you could test the waters with Waves Tune - there's no competitive pitch correction tool on iOS as of today. The iPads are pretty powerful now.

If you want to help increase the chances of this actually happening, make yourself heard! Please let them know there's an eager market in us Auria users!

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Re: Let's try to get more plug-in manufacturers onboard!

Post by theconnactic » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:42 am

P.S.: for example, Waves Tune offers Melodyne-like graphics pitch correction, albeit monophonic, and it's been currently sold for only $29! That's completely reasonable in iOS terms. Many of us would pay this amount or even more to finally have a decent auto-tuner (sorry, Retune).

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Anthony Alves
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Re: Let's try to get more plug-in manufacturers onboard!

Post by Anthony Alves » Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:26 am

Just my perspective on this. Since we Have Audio Units already in iOS all the future plugins for iOS Daws will be released in this format and not for just one platform or iOS Daw. I think it's clear that after all these years that Auria has been out ( since 2012 ), we have not seen any more plugin developers added to Auria in fact only Fabfilter has released all their products to us where as PsP has not added a new one for some time. There is still a stigma associated with iOS recording as a not professional enough platform yet. In addition many of the top named plugins are very cpu intensive or needs 8 gigs of ram memory to operate. Apple missed the mark with the new iPad Pro leaving only 4 gigs of memory which did not really advance the iPad Pro much further than the original iPad Pro. In all my tests this has been the results except for loading screens are faster but not operational once inside AuriaPro, in fact in some tests its slower and glitchy. Hopefully iOS 11 can take better advantage of the new iPad Pro.
So you can ask and it doesnt hurt to ask waves or others to consider iOS but I believe they would have already if everything was ready for them in iOS recording but unfortunaltely its not.
Cheers and good luck.

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Re: Let's try to get more plug-in manufacturers onboard!

Post by Tovokas » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:59 am

I think the AU route is more likely as well, but I love the rock-solid stability of the FabFilter and PSP plugins in Auria. As far as I can remember, I've never had a crash related to any of them. AU is obviously FAR more stable than IAA, but the need to work in many hosts, along with the apparently still immature implimentation from Apple means things will likely remain a bit sketchy for a while, at least compared to a 'built-in' solution like the FF plugins. Hopefully as more and more devs get on board with AU that will change!

For now, what a treat to have such fantastic, stable plugins available in Auria.

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Re: Let's try to get more plug-in manufacturers onboard!

Post by theconnactic » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:55 am

So lets ask for an AU version! They already have price points compatible with iOS! I asked for an Auria plug-in version because I read somewhere else it was easier to port to Auria, while AU requires a little bit more of rewriting code. But whatever brings them to iOS! The important thing is, more people post there!

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