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Post by Muttlee23 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:45 am


Found a few odd things:

1. Importing audio from a rendered beat from BeatMaker2 via dropbox or audiocopy both result in the track being named correctly, but no audio clip. Tried this on an ipad2 and 3. The rendered beat did audiopaste into nanostudio and then i audiocopied it from nanostudio and then auria audiopasted it correctly.

2. When background audio mode is enabled, audio continues when backgrounded, but as soon as any other syth (i've tried about 6) auria's audio either fades out, or a horrid clicking noise occurs. The sampling rate of the project was 44100kHz. It does thismwith or without a usb soundcard. Is this how its meant to be?

3. When the mixdown menu is opened, and an fx window is open, all the radio buttons in the menu dont respond. The project desciptor is showing that the fx is being contolled.

4. I've had many crashes or forced closes when doing mix downs with psp microwarmer, mainly with the ipad2. Just copied across the project via dropbox to the ipad3 and it worked first go...

5. How do we delete recordings or clips or projects without itunes? It would be great if we had a "manage files" type browser for this stuff. I now wish i had more than 16gig of storage...and i hate itunes with a i look forward to being able to move projects to/from dropbox.

This side, u've done a great job for your first release!!!

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Re: Issues...

Post by Rim » Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:21 am


The beatmaker import issue has been solved already and will appear in the next update.

Background audio mode is not compatible with a lot of other apps, since Auria uses a "play and record" mode for it's audio. This mode is not compatible with modes that many synths use, so iOS fades Auria out. Perhaps future iOS version will make this less of a problem.

The mixdown menu issue has also been solved in the next update.

We haven't seen any issues with MicroWarmer. Is this reproducible on your end? If so, can you show us how to make it happen here?

Deleting projects and audio files is easy within Auria. Just swipe across them while in on of the file screens.


Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:36 am

Re: Issues...

Post by Muttlee23 » Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:54 pm


Thanks Rim.

I'll try and replicate it, but i have a feeling it may be due to me not having freed enough memory before the mixdown.

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