Is it possible to save a combination of effects in a track?

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Is it possible to save a combination of effects in a track?

Post by Marcel » Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:03 am

Is it possible to save a combination of effects in a track?

Better formulated: is it possible to take 1 snapshot of the all the effects (with their settings) in a track, and use that snapshot in another project?

Say you made a great guitar setup with Overloud, Timeless and Pro Q. You tweaked each individual effect, and now you have a great sound. You want to save that combination for further use in other projects. To my knowledge this is not possible. You can save the settings of each individual effect in a track, but not save everything.

A pity. But perhaps it is possible and am I wrong with my conclusion.


One could (I think of now) make a sort of basic project with only that one track in it, and open that project if you want to use that setup, and make then a copy of the project and work from there. Good idea! if I may say so myself. This comes with problems: if you developped a great sound while working in a large project, to save that sound you have to backup that project, and delete all the files manually in that backup (to keep your disk space as clean as possible).

So one could make sound setup projects.

Better options? Anyone?

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Re: Is it possible to save a combination of effects in a tra

Post by richardyot » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:53 am

AFAIK it's not possible, you have to save the presets from each plugin. It would certainly be a nice feature though!

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Re: Is it possible to save a combination of effects in a tra

Post by Marcel » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:20 am

Thank you Richard, for confirming my presumption! Even though you are not 100% shure.

Yeah, it would be nice.

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Re: Is it possible to save a combination of effects in a tra

Post by rickwaugh » Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:18 pm

But... if you can save the presets from each one, you can do what you want.

What I want is track notes, so that I remember what I did. It's on Rim's list.

The preset labels disappear when you reload a project in Fabfilter - it keeps the actual settings, but I can't tell what it was. That would be nice if it was not like that.

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Re: Is it possible to save a combination of effects in a tra

Post by MikeDee » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:40 am

As an extension or enhancement to Track Notes, perhaps an option to dump a plugin's settings (with an * to denote each changed setting), thereby eliminating the redundancy of having to type it all in.

Not sure whether this is possible or a pipe dream...but Rim has already made possible what was deemed impossible! :D

Mike Dee

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