Mac desktop version?

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Mac desktop version?

Post by garnold » Thu May 01, 2014 1:27 pm

OK, please don't everyone jump on this thread and start beating me up here. I was just wondering if there is the thought of moving this app also to the desktop? Auria really does hands down beat out Garage Band. Now I guess it should because GB is really just a lite version of Logic which is where Apple wants you to move to next, but that's for another thread and not this one :lol: I'm really pleased how I can work on a beat with DM1 on my desktop then move it over to my iPad. Also, and again please do not beat me up here, when I want to have someone come into my studio one of the things people like to see and feel is that studio experience. Seeing the mixer and the equipment just kind of gets folks into the mood and they feel all "Pro Like". So taking out my iPad and plopping it on my desk seems to take the wind out of their sails HAHAHA. Again, I'm 100% sure that there will be folks on this forum that will disagree and I'm not trying to start an argument here. Right now I'm trying to learn Studio One and it's pretty intense. Auria does all that I really need and is so easy to learn and use. I would love to see it up on my 27 inch monitor someday and would have zero problem spending the cash for it :)

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Re: Mac desktop version?

Post by MikeDee » Thu May 01, 2014 2:48 pm the interim...since the sound is what matters, you can start by showing your client what Auria can do. Of course, you can always have the Studio One in full view, along with your 27" monitor, displaying an image of the Studio One's console layout...then the iPad, running Auria, might look like a remote! :D

But hey, maybe Rim might decide to port over to Mac one day. No worries for me, though...I'm having a gr8 time with it on the iPad...anytime, anywhere. 8)

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Re: Mac desktop version?

Post by garnold » Thu May 01, 2014 3:04 pm

One of the things I was thinking was to be able to use the iPad version of Auria as a remote for the desktop version. Not for nothing but talk about an amazing setup! A full featured remote on the iPad since the desktop version and the iPad are really kept in sync here. I'm not even looking for more features for the desktop version. One of the cool things that DM1 does is just uses the screen size to it's advantage and displays more windows that could not all fit on the iPad at once. At the end of the day I would never even thing about asking for something like this if I didn't enjoy using the app so much and want to find ways to use it more :) It's an excellent app and we are lucky to have it!

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Re: Mac desktop version?

Post by sodium » Fri May 02, 2014 1:17 am

Definitely not "beating you up" but that's kind of counterproductive isn't it? We all have "big studio" DAWs ( be they small home studios or larger installations) so Auria is allowing us to be mobile in our music making.

eg I made it to Auria after a couple of Xmas holidays with the family "down on the farm" and taking along an iPad and an acoustic gtr and doing a project album of covers over the 4 week break on the porch, in the heat and the flies and with a generous supply of insect repellent and gin and tonic. I loved the disentanglement of not having a desk and a mics and leads everywhere and initially used GB. which was clunky and 8tracks but reminded me of the discipline we used to use in tape days, four track especially. then last year I discovered Multitrack by Harmonic dog and that was a revelation. far better functionality and interface and I had a blast using that, thinking Id found the best solution. But Auria makes that look like a kid's toy by comparison.

Anyway, I digress somewhat but I guess my point is that Auria's raison d'etre is to be an IOS solution. the moment it "goes desktop" , its going to be competing for market share with some seriously well established platforms, more importantly, platforms that have rusted on users. Not saying it wont win some market share, but we all know what it's like now with users of PT, Logic, Cubase etc all wildly loyal to their DAW of choice.

Just my 2c.

(a born again DAW user who saw the light and left Cubase after 30 years and now loves Reaper :D :lol: :) :P :shock: :o 8) :D )
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Re: Mac desktop version?

Post by dominicperry » Fri May 02, 2014 6:15 am

I can understand why you might want Auria on a desktop OS, but the problem is that Auria is written from the ground up for a touchscreen device, using a programming framework which is exclusively for ARM processors, using functions (hardware and iOS functions) many of which are exclusive to iOS devices. So to do it, Auria4Mac would have to be re-written from scratch.

Of course, one of the reasons it's so good is because it is conceived and written exclusively for iPad hardware and OS.


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Re: Mac desktop version?

Post by garnold » Fri May 02, 2014 8:26 am

I guess I just have not really become comfortable with a desktop DAW yet and would rather just stick with Auria across the board.

SODIUM - I'm guessing from what I read in your post you're pretty good with a desktop DAW. Also guessing you're pretty good at moving your Auria tracks to that DAW. Still, how cool would it be to do this....

- Record your tracks on that porch while spraying bug spray on all those bugs using Auria.
- Uploading that song to one of the many supported online services.
- Getting home and continuing right where you left off on the desktop version of Auria!
- Having all settings follow the song (other methods of moving tracks do not allow all settings to follow)
- Plus, using Auria on the iPad to remote control that desktop app (maybe in version 2 hahaha)

If I was more locked into a desktop DAW maybe I would not be looking at this the same way. Still, if this app cost anywhere between $50 and $100 I would be swiping my credit card right now. Having that kind of tight recording system would be amazing to me!

Well maybe we will get luck and someday be able to connect a large touch screen monitor to an iPad and run Auria from the iPad on that monitor and I could have my cake and eat it too ;)

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Re: Mac desktop version?

Post by acaonweb » Sun May 04, 2014 1:46 am

dominicperry wrote:I can understand why you might want Auria on a desktop OS, but the problem is that Auria is written from the ground up for a touchscreen device, using a programming framework which is exclusively for ARM processors, using functions (hardware and iOS functions) many of which are exclusive to iOS devices. So to do it, Auria4Mac would have to be re-written from scratch.

Of course, one of the reasons it's so good is because it is conceived and written exclusively for iPad hardware and OS.

nanostudio has both mac/pc and iphone ipad version
iPad Air Pro 11 iOS 16.3 WiFi 512 Giga, Scarlett Focusrite 18i8

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Re: Mac desktop version?

Post by BlackBox » Mon May 05, 2014 9:06 pm

Have brought this very subject up and the reason I would want Auria for a desktop is because I love the layout and its workflow. Am pretty fluent in my other DAW's but something always felt good and easy to get into with Auria. Plus all other DAW's have this modern look to them. Auria looks like a console and is bright but yet pleasing on the eyes (must be that wood grain on the sides) Plus another benefit of it would be transferring projects in the same program. Plus of course having the power of a desktop to work without the need of freezing tracks (or could still for those bigger projects) I would ditch my favorite DAW in a heart beat for it!

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