Transpose not affecting MIDI input during record? [BUG]

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Transpose not affecting MIDI input during record? [BUG]

Post by pti » Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:57 pm

MIDI Transpose appears to have a bug, wherein it is only applied to playback of recorded MIDI notes, not during recording.

As described in my other post, I am experimenting to see whether I could replace my Roland FA-06 with Auria and some MIDI controllers. I need to be able to transpose some patches such that they play in the right octave (e.g., bass pedal sound triggered by KMI 12-Step).

I had hoped the Transpose option in the MIDI CONTROL section of the channel strip would do this. However, based on my experimentation so far, the Transpose value only impacts playback of recorded MIDI data. It does not impact live playing of notes.

To see this issue in action:

1. Create a MIDI track and choose a Lyra instrument.
2. Set FX/MIDI Control/Transpose to +24.
3. Record some keyboard notes and pay attention to pitch.
4. Rewind and play and you will hear the same thing two octaves higher than you just heard it while recording.

That seems wrong to me. The sound during recording should simulate how things will sound on playback.

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Re: Transpose not affecting MIDI input during record? [BUG]

Post by Rim » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:30 am

The real time MIDI controls only affect playback in Auria. It wouldn't be possible to do this during recording, as the controls require some look-ahead in order to accomplish their functions, and this would add a lot of latency during recording. For example, it would be impossible to do quantizing in real-time while recording. What if it needed to move the note earlier than you just played it ;)


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Re: Transpose not affecting MIDI input during record? [BUG]

Post by pti » Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:43 am

While I understand that quantization may be subject to that limitation due to the fact that it adjusts timing in either direction, transposition does not inherently need to be similarly limited as it's independent of time.

It sounds like you've grouped processing of those functions together, though, in your implementation, which would make it difficult for you to fix the bug apply the transposition during input.

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Re: Transpose not affecting MIDI input during record? [BUG]

Post by pti » Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:09 pm

I just checked out the new SampleTank update. It now offers key ranges for each of eight parts and transpose per part. That hits the key needs for my live application.

I hope Auria folks take a look. It's funny to read above here that something can't be done, then see it implemented in an alternative app weeks later...

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Re: Transpose not affecting MIDI input during record? [BUG]

Post by rossFen » Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:40 pm

At the rate SampleTank is going, it'll only be another fifty years before we can call it a DAW. It's not an alternative app.

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Re: Transpose not affecting MIDI input during record? [BUG]

Post by pti » Sat Sep 03, 2016 1:42 pm

For the application I am discussing, live performance with splits/layers and multiple MIDI controllers, not DAW functionality, SampleTank is certainly an alternative, and, presently, one that serves that need in a better way.

Auria is certainly extremely impressive as an iPad DAW, but that's not the need I am filling. (I've got Logic Pro handling that very well. I'm regularly dealing with multi-GB multitrack live recordings, and that's not fun on an iPad.)

Auria has all of the audio plumbing for what I am trying to do, and superior ability to use InterApp Audio, but sadly lacks some basic handling of the incoming note data to make it work.

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