Playback volume disappears

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Playback volume disappears

Post by giomakyo » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:13 am

I seem to have lost all playback volume on my current project; everything was fine, I did an edit on one track where I split some audio and deleted a part, and after that playback volume disappeared completely.

* The VU meters on individual tracks are lighting up, but nothing on the Master VU.
* Audio playback from other apps is fine, problem is only in Auria.
* if I restart my iPad and re-launch Auria. It will play back with audio one time, even through that edit point. But once I hit stop or it ends. all playback volume disappears and nothing I do bringa it back.
* I have checked for obvious stuff like mistakenly hitting a mute/solo button, or a volume event of some sort. Nothing out of the ordinary, like I said, volume loss was instantaneous after deleting a small section of audio. Resotring the deleted audio did not solve the problem.
* Attempted a Mix-down, but the resulting file goes silent halfway through, again at that same edit point.

Any ideas? Really frustrating.



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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by giomakyo » Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:11 am

Ok, I tried opening several older Auria projects, and none play back with any volume now. Some show a signal in the master VU, and some don't, but neither produce any sound. Worse, if I open Auria, I then lose sound to all other apps, like Audioshare or iOS synths. None of them make a sound when Auria is open, but if I close Auria, sound returns to the other apps. WTF?

I successfully exported all tracks to Audioshare from the project that caused this problem, and they all open and playback fine. Sooooo... How in the world does an audio split &delete disable volume completely for Auria? Old projects as well as the current one!

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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by Rim » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:37 pm

Sounds like some sort of iOS issue. Have you tried rebooting the iPad?


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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by Makyo » Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:36 am

If by rebooting the iPad you mean shutting down and re-starting, yes. many times.
If you mean reinstalling from a backed-up save, no.

I don't think it's an iOS problem, because the sound drop-out was only being caused by Auria. All other apps would produce sound as normal provided Auria was closed.

After many hours, I finally fixed it by quitting Auria with an old project open, so that when I re-started my iPad and re-opened Auria, I would be in a project other than the one whch caused the problem. This got me sound consistently, so I was pretty certain the problem had to be that one project, i opened the problematic project, and deleted entirely the track that I had been editing when things went wrong. I closed and re-opened again, and things have been fine since, though I lost a good take,

So basically it's pretty clear that something that happened during audio editing caused an effect on master volume out, a bug serious enough to affect total iPad vol. out and other projects as well. Deleting the track that was being edited when the problem occured eliminated the problem.

One other possible cause. I often use a Bluetooth speaker with my iPad, and sometimes fail to turn it off before launching Auria, which also leads to problems, but generally not serious ones, but siwtching from Bluetooth audio out to pin cable out may be a suspect.

Anyway, problem solved, but this is the third time this year I lost an enitre day solving an Auria fail when I was really in the flow, I have to say I much prefer mixing on Auria than I do on my desktop DAW, but the stability issues are making me have second thoughts. Getting an iPad Pro later this week, hopefully that will have better performance than my 3rd Gen.

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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by Makyo » Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:40 am

One other thing I noticed: I backed up all my audio to Audioshare in case I was going to have to delete the entire project. Tracks which had been edited into several parts Using splits were difficult to export using AudioShare. I tried exporting each audio segment individually, but noticed that they all had the same filename (for example, Audio1.1.wav) so even though I individually exported three or four different audio segments from a track, they all exported to Audioshare as the first segment tagged with the file name.

I solved this by using the join function to make continuous beginning to end tracks with no gaps, but I shouldn't have to be doing this. If one long take of audio is edited into several different bits, shouldn't they be getting separate file names? I.e. Thor1.1wav, Thor1.2.wav, Tho1.3.wav.? As is, they are all Thor 1.1wav. So if I record a 2 min. synth part and edit it down into 00:20, 00:15, 00:35. 00:12 segmenta, then try to select and use Audioshare to export each bit individually, all four will appear in Audioshare as the first 00:20 waveform. Any fix for this?



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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by Washboy » Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:02 am

@Makyo : If I were unlucky enough to be in your position I would have saved a copy of your project or saved it to Dropbox. Then I would have used 'Process -> Condense Regions' to force all split regions to be converted into discrete (and uniquely named) WAVs. Condense Regions can be done on selected regions or on the whole project. It's a destructive process (i.e. can't be undone). That's the reason for backing up the project first :wink: Most editing in Auria is non-destructive intentionally.

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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by Makyo » Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:56 am

Good advice.

I was hesitant to back it up to dropbox for the reason that if I reimported it, I would be re-importing the same problem. Since it was affecting all projects, not just the current one, I felt like I needed to either fix it or delete that project entirely. Fortunately just deleting the track worked.

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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by Rim » Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:59 am

I'm really not sure what could have caused that, but I remember a similar issue a while back that involved a plugin that was outputting invalid audio data. In floating point systems, there's a special number called NaN (which stands for Not a Number). If iOS sees this being sent by an app, it will kill all the audio. One of the third party plugins was outputting NaNs, and causing iOS to shut down all audio. It was similar to what you describe, because only a certain project would cause it to happen (a project that contained that plugin). Maybe this is the case in your scenario? Can you tell me what's unique about that particular project? Do you have any plugins or crossfades in it (or fade in/fade outs on any tracks)?


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Re: Playback volume disappears

Post by danhedonia » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:03 pm

The OP wrote in his first post that he rebooted the machine.

I've had similar issues, though they're not as consistent. Additionally, I don't seem able to mixdown to Dropbox, but in the project-load menu, the "Dropbox" option works and is up-to-date.


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