Time Warp bizzare glitches

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Time Warp bizzare glitches

Post by Monoboy » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:48 am

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I was using the Warp function on a sample last night, and it works great but ive noticed alot of bizarre glitches. if placing a warp marker on multiple transient lets say, and you contiously play the same region, or press stop and play again, one of the sounds (normally the last transient) might be skipped-not heard-when playing the region. Or when you've warp marked your region and you want to bounce track in place, sometimes this will erase the audio entirely (leaving an empty region) but transient markers will stay in place? Id have to quit Auria and go back into it to hopefully solve the problem (auria would state there was a problem with the project file and was automatilly fixed).

Also despite having your transient markers in place and youve warped your region, sometimes on playback it will play back the sample sounding like its jumping all over the place, like its not in time despite warping the transients to the grid. Hope this all makes sense!


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Re: Time Warp bizzare glitches

Post by Rim » Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:20 am

Is there any way you can duplicate these issues reliably? Any time I test warping, it works fine here. for example:

1. Create a new project
2. Add an audio file
3. Move a warp marker
4. Press play
5. No issues, the audio plays like it should

If I move several markers around, everything still works as it should. It would really help to know exactly what you need to do to make this happen, starting from a new project. This way, if there's an obscure bug in there somewhere, I can find it. Most likely this is a case of doing some specific edit (cut/copy/paste/split/join, etc) that causes the issue. So if I know exactly what steps I need to follow to make this happen, I can find the issue.


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Re: Time Warp bizzare glitches

Post by spincaster22 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:37 am

I too have experienced this.

In my case it was after splitting a region / trimming the ends (to remove dead space between them). Afterwards I wanted to adjust the timing so started moving the transient markers in Region1.

I started to notice that if I adjusted the final marker in Region1 and would make Region2 go silent. Particularly if I moved the final transient marker in Region1.

To resolve I bounced the track to a new track and the problem seemed to go away - however if I can recreate I will send to you Rim.

Here is a strange coincidence though: I noticed the *same thing* happened to me Studio One 3 (on a completely different project).

After searching, someone pointed me to this thread (thread mentions several different things, but scroll down and see post about "found another issue with the SOLO algorithm"):


The current theory is this is a bug with Elastique Ver 3 - and evidently also affected Cubase and Reaper.

Not sure if this is related or not, but it was certainly strange to me that moving transient in *both* Auria / Studio One caused audio muting in adjacent region.

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Re: Time Warp bizzare glitches

Post by Rim » Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:11 pm

Interesting. If you can find a way to recreate this every time, starting from a new project, it would really help me figure this out.


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