Bug with audiocopy

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Bug with audiocopy

Post by ScaAr » Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:28 pm

Hi, since i have installed auria on my ipad 3, Dm1 crash after audiocopy, (for import in auria) when auria isn't launched all is ok, after reinstall always the same problem, and an other problem with funkbox drum machine, impossible to audiocopy, crash et cut sound, all is ok when auria isn't launched…can find à solution ?

Sorry for faults, i' m Corsican

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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by ttaylorsaxe » Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:08 pm

I'm experiencing problems with audiocopy as well. When I paste a sound to a new track in Auria, the track is perfectly drawn but everything freezes--play head, time, everything, it's just a dead screen. When I shut Auria down and reopen, everything is fine.
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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Washboy » Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:33 pm

I suspect this is not a problem with Auria itself. I see the same issue as the OP (with DM1 only - I don't have Funkbox) but the crash seems to happen at the point at which ACP should be asking which app to switch to. Auria doesn't yet have the focus at that point.

What's more, I only get a crash when ACPing a DM1 'pattern' - it works fine with a 'song'. Has the OP also raised this issue with Fingerlab (they speak French too!)?

BTW, I don't find it necessary to reinstall either Auria or DM1 following a crash. I just keep launching until it works!

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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Rim » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:20 am

Audio Copy/Paste can have issues when you copy from certain apps. This is because it's such a loosely defined standard that apps can use it for things other than audio files. So if you accidentally copy a pattern or a midi file into Auria, it could crash, because it assumes it's audio (there's no way to know ahead of time what kind of file it's going to be).

The other issue with apps closing by themselves is probably just a common iOS issue. In iOS, if you use up too much RAM, iOS will close apps. So if AUria is running in the background and you try to open DM1, iOS could decide to close DM1.


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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Anthony Alves » Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:07 pm

I just tested this on my iPad 4 and I was able to audiocopy both a single pattern and a song from DM1 into Auria with no problems. This is with both Auria and DM1 open. Admittately DM1 did shut down when I first opened it but once opened again it worked fine. As for Funkbox, there is a problem here. If I open Auria and Funkbox, Funkbox wont even play anything including start or stop, literally nothing.mthen I shut everything down and re-open Funkbox and still it will not respond even after a proper shutdown of Funkbox. Now if I open any other music app like Daw Multitrack or Garageband, Funkbox now works fine with all features working like copypaste ect. So I re-opened Auria and Funkbox becomes inactive again. I have tried Funkbox with everything including Audiobus and its working fine so the problem here seems to be Auria as its the only app that stops funkbox from working. I was able to repeat this problem 10 times in a row. Cheers. Hope this helps Rim. And while Ive got you Rim my ProDS seems to freeze Auria where it requires a full iPad re-boot as Auria wont shut down even after removing it from memory. Ive had this happen several times and with only the ProDS as a plugin nothing else. But I have also been able to use the ProDS and it worked so not sure whats going on here but I will keep checking for the cause or possibly the steps it took to get the bug to show itsel. Maybe Fabfilter could check this out. Its the only plugin I found doing this.

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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Washboy » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:16 pm

How many times did you try the DM1>Auria ACP, Anthony?

I've done some more testing and I managed to copy a pattern as well as a song - but never twice in a row! I looked at the memory issue, as Rim hinted, and thought that might actually be the cause. When I checked the RAM meter in Auria it was registering only 50MB or so. Then I realised that I'd had a Safari session loaded (all these forums! :wink:) so I forced it closed and then had more like 400MB free. It made no difference to DM1 crashing though.

Interestingly, when I loaded DM1 plus a load of other apps, such that System Status (app) indicated I had only around 80MB free RAM, DM1 was rock solid ACPing to other apps. Going back to just DM1 plus Auria (with 400+MB free RAM) and DM1 was falling over after max one successful ACP.

Re Rim's comments about non-audio data being ACP'd: DM1 exports WAVs.

So I'm now thinking, like the OP and Anthony, that Auria is doing something that DM1 (and Funkbox) doesn't like. Is there anything more we can do to help get to the bottom of this issue, Rim?

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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Anthony Alves » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:14 pm

Ok so Ive really tested this one and its cofusing. Like you suggested I should have attempted several copies and your right with DM1 you cant it just quits and works fine with all my other apps. I did further testing and Auria Locks up and wont play i the Akai iMPC is running although copy paste works from the Akai iMPC into Auria, Auria cant play. Restart Auria and it will play but try to open the Akai iMPC and switch back to Auria and again Auria wont go into play mode. Now on to D-Pad, when loaded with Auria running it wont even play, shut down Auria and the D-Pad instantly works. Tested D-Pad and Akai iMPC with all my other recording apps and they work fine even in the background. I use an ipad 4. Apps that worked was Molten Drum no problems either with copypaste into Auria or running in the background same as Korg Electribe also no problems. So unfortunately there seems to be significant problems with enough apps that deserves a looking into as well I have been using all these apps with Auria for some time now with little or no problems so for these apps not to be working with Auria and do with ALL the rest than I think we have a problem in 1.05 as I use these apps with Auria all the time and dont want to have to shut down Auria everytime I need to get a drum or synth part. I will now begin a test with all my apps including synths. That may take me a couple of days here as I own and use literally dozens that so far have all worked with Auria until now.
Cheers. Your right and not alone. Could some other users confirm this too.

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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by ChrisG » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:40 pm

Tested very briefly...Can't get iMPC and Auria to play alongside. DM1 always worked on the third attempt at opening it (background audio switch in Auria didn't matter), better then nothing but weird. Oh if switching back to Auria before the third attempt it will lock Auria and close out to the dashboard.

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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Anthony Alves » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:46 pm

Here are some of my continued tests on this problem. Seems to be affecting quite a few app but not all of them.
Heres the report copied from my notes.

Auria Muted MiniDrum Pro but allowed a copypaste even though I couldnt hear the drum machine. Exit Auria, re-Start Mini-Drum Pro and it works fine. Tested MiniDrumPro with other apps and they all work fine.
Problem resides with Auria.

Magelan Synth working fine although a warning comes up and says that Magelan can not set the audio buffer size because another app ( Auria only other one open) is holding the audio session lock.

Artic Keys wont play at all and starts up with a digital grunge. Works fine with all my other apps.

BS 16i multimbral synth also goes into an extreme digital noise upon opening with Auria. Just like the noise from Artic Keys. Working with all other apps.

NoisePad quits as soon as Auria is up or quits as soon as its loaded if Auria is running. Works with every other app.


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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Rim » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:12 pm

A lot of apps don't like the fact that Auria uses a large buffer size in playback mode (4096 samples). This is too much for a lot of apps, so they will either not work at all, or crash when Auria is in the background. One workaround is to quit all the apps, then open the other app first, before you open Auria. The first app that's open is the one that dictates the buffer size to use. Of course, the tradeoff is that Auria will now be forced to use a very small buffer size, so it's CPU usage will go up considerably.


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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Anthony Alves » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:03 am

Question than Rim is why did these apps work fine before the new update and how big can Funkbx or Noisepad be? These are very small apps with very low memory usage. As well in my tests I tried both methods both loading Auria first then last still the same problems.. If Auria does this than how will Auria behave as an Audiobus recorder? This will really limit the number of synths and drums that can be used with Auria..


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Re: Bug with audiocopy

Post by Rim » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:32 am

Nothing has changed in terms of the buffer size since the last update, so that might not be the case here. I actually wasn't talking about memory usage or CPU usage, but buffer size (latency). Auria has a playback latency of 4096, and some apps aren't prepared for a buffer size this large. There have already been a few apps that had this problem, and they've fixed it after discussing it with me, so I'm just suggesting this may be an issue to look out for.

For Audiobus, Auria will have a mode where you can force Auria into a lower buffer size to make things work, but of course Auria's CPU usage goes up considerably when you do this.


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