Recording with iPad and Auria

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Martin Torres
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Recording with iPad and Auria

Post by Martin Torres » Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:13 am

I posted this in Ask The Recording Experts section but haven't had a response. This is a general knowledge question and I am hoping others out there can help me. Thanks.

I am new to Auria and the digital world. I mix my bands sound and run live sound for other bands and events but everything has been analog Mackie boards. Needed more monitor outs so I bought an X Air X18. So far I love it for mixing the bands FOH and monitors. Taking the next step to record while we practice and gig.

We are using an iPad with the X Air mixer app and my intent is to record each channel dry and a stereo FOH send (with eq and effects) at live gigs and practices with Auria in the background so I can make adjustments on the X Air mixer app. I also want to be able to play back the recorded individual tracks as well as the recorded FOH on the channels they were recorded on.

My current setup is 1-Vocal, 2-Acoustic Guitar, 3-Vocal, 4-Vocal, 5-Mic'ed Electric Guitar, 6-Mic'ed Electric Guitar, 7-Bass Guitar line in, 8-Mic'ed Steel guitar, 9/10 Stereo Drum Mix. Bus 1-Floor Monitor, Bus 2-Floor Monitor, Bus 3/4 stereo drum monitor, Bus-4/5 In Ear monitor. Efx1-Reverb, Efx2-Delay.

In the iPad X Air app I have the USB send/return routing 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, etc.. I assigned the Main L/R to 11/12. In Auria the input is 1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc. For the output matrix, there are only 8 subs so I wasn’t sure what to do. I left it default.

I can record the individual channels as well as the main mix (11/12) but when I play back, everything is routed through the Auria main L/R to channels 1 and 2 on the X Air app. My goal would be to switch the channel inputs in X Air from Analog to USB and then be able to play back with individual channel volume whatever I don’t mute. Currently it seems to only return from Auria’s main L/R output to X Air channels 1 and 2.

1. Can Auria be minimized in the background and still record while the X Air app is open? (Currently stops when I switch to X Air).

2. Does my routing to Auria from X Air seem right to you?

3. Can I create a 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3, to 3, etc send from Auria to X Air versus routing everything to the 2 channel main out?

I appreciate any help and suggestions.

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