Saving and Transferring Mic settings

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Saving and Transferring Mic settings

Post by IndieP » Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:44 am

Hi everyone,

Regarding adding a microphone to the Input 1 of the Alesis iO Dock II and setting it up with Reverb, a previous comment said I would have to open up a project every time I wanted to use the mic with reverb settings on it. I assume that when I create a MIDI backing track and add a mic with some reverb settings, that when I come back say a week later to use that project again, I will not have to reset the mic again along with the reverb settings taken from the reverb plug-ins.

However, once I have the mic sounding the way I like, and I wish to save the same mic settings (along with settings from the reverb plug-ins, is there a way to save and transfer these same settings to another project without having to go through the whole procedure again?

In short, I want a mic on evert MIDI backing track project, and also a separate project set up for 2 microphones when only speaking is required with no playback of MIDI or music. Ultimately I would like several mic settings for different occasions that I can choose from.

Thanks guys

Corey W
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Re: Saving and Transferring Mic settings

Post by Corey W » Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:15 am

Get your project setup the exact way you want it to open in future projects and then go to Menu> Save Project> Save Project as Template
Name the template and click Save.
Now when you start a new project simply select your new template from the Template dropdown list.

Let me know if that is what you were looking for.

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Re: Saving and Transferring Mic settings

Post by IndieP » Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:33 pm

Thanks Corey for the information. I’m aware about creating templates and saving them, but because I am dealing with external hardware that is connected to an external MIDI interface and not just working within Auria itself, I am a little uncertain if the settings of external hardware such as microphones connected to such an interface may be affected after everything is shut down and then switched on and rebooted again.

The other thing I would like to clarify is this. It takes some time to create a project incorporating both MIDI (for backing) and mono tracks (for microphones). Once the correct settings for the mics are achieved, I not only wish to save them in the whole project, but implement these mic settings into other MIDI/Mono projects without having to re-create the mic settings every time I work on a new project. In other words, every new project will be a new MIDI backing track with the same mic settings carried over into that project.

Therefore, what would be the easiest way to save the mic settings and transfer them into another new project?
Perhaps one way would be to create a project with say 8 MIDI tracks and 2 Mono tracks for the mics. Tweak the mics using the reverb plug-ins, save the project and make a number of copies of the project. Then when I begin to work on another MIDI backing track, I simply pull out one of these copies where the mics are already saved, then add the MIDI and I’m ready to go, correct?

Hope that clarifies my question a little more for you.

Corey W
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Re: Saving and Transferring Mic settings

Post by Corey W » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:24 pm

I am not 100% sure about your external hardware settings from session to session. Let me know what gear you are using and maybe I can get a better answer for you.

"Once the correct settings for the mics are achieved, I not only wish to save them in the whole project, but implement these mic settings into other MIDI/Mono projects without having to re-create the mic settings every time I work on a new project."

What mic settings in Auria exactly are you referring to?

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Re: Saving and Transferring Mic settings

Post by IndieP » Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:50 pm

Corey, sorry if i havn't made myself clear, but I am using the Alesis iO Dock II with the iPad Air 2. An external hardwired mic will be connected to “Input 1” of the Alesis iO Dock. I intend using Auria’s built in Convolution Reverb along with the plug-in “ClassicVerb Pro” to create reverb settings that will be suitable for my purpose. Once achieved, I want to retain these settings and transfer them to other projects without having to spend lots of time trying to duplicate the same settings. At this point, I hope to be using the Sennheiser E865s Microphone for this purpose. Assume I will be using the same mic and same gear for every project.

Let me try putting it this way. Once I have set everything up for a gig live performance, that is in particular the mic settings within any given project then turn everything off, (the connection is now broken), and come back a week later to perform the same live performance a second time, will I have lost any of the settings once the connection had been re-established, or will I have to go into ClassicVerb Pro again and re-create the same settings as before? Convolution Reverb settings will (should) be saved as they are a part of the Auria software but I’m not sure about the plug-ins given the fact that the mic is attached to the dock which is attached to the iPad etc.

(This may not be a good example, but if I turn on my computer, navigate to the Auria forum / General discussion / Page 12 / Post 15, then turn off everything, when I switch on my computer and go to the Auria forum again, it won’t be at General Discussion/page 12/Post 15, I will have to go through the whole process again to get to that page). Will I have to go through the whole process again with the mics.

So, in short, the hardware will not change.

ClassicVerb Pro will be used for mic settings.

2nd Question (and I'll try this from a different angle).
After putting a track together, for instance a guitar part with a few effects on say track 4. Can you, and if so, how do you, save track 4 from that project and insert it into any other project you wish to create in the future, i.e. can you isolate and save Track 4, and copy and paste it into another project whenever you wish?

Corey W
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Re: Saving and Transferring Mic settings

Post by Corey W » Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:39 am

So from what you are describing, making a template from your session when all the settings are the way you want them will carry all of the exact settings over to new sessions created (plugins included). Just to be safe, you can also make a preset out of your ClassicVerb Pro and Convolution Reverb settings. (In each plug in window, use the dropdown box on the upper left corner to save a new preset).

Returning to your sessions after shutting everything down, you will return to all of the settings just the way you left them.

You can't import a track from another project with all of the plugins and settings intact for further editing, but you can 'mixdown' your 'track 4' and then have it available to import to future sessions using Menu> Import File

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Re: Saving and Transferring Mic settings

Post by IndieP » Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:01 pm

Thanks Corey, that will be a great help to me. Had I the ability to test this out at home I would have done so, but unfortunately my gear is set up at another location over thirty miles away and I'm only their once a week with no opportunity to work on it due to many people being around. I will need to take a day off work to work on this so I wanted to have all my ducks in a row before doing so.
Thanks again.

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