Bitrate file corruption

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Bitrate file corruption

Post by mccauley1983 » Wed May 21, 2014 5:27 pm

Hello everyone!

Just thought I'd post about an unusual occurrence and maybe save someone else some headaches. I had an Auria project open, minimized it to use Safari to go to a bandcamp page, played a couple of songs there, minimized Safari to go back to Auria and received a warning that because I had another app running that was playing a song of a different bitrate, Auria was unable to load my project. I hit "OK" on the warning and found myself on a blank project at a new bitrate (the original was at 48, the new one was at 44.1). There were no tracks, no settings saved, no track names, no project title visible.

I went to load the project I had just been working on and noticed that it said the track count was "0". When I loaded the project, it took me right back to that blank project. The snapshots were there (10 of them), but none would load. However, the preview from the load page told me that the tracks were still there since it still played a preview of the song.

Ultimately, I was able to open a new project and use the "import audio" function to get all of my tracks back. I tried to offload the whole project file onto my PC and then reload it in Auria under a different project name, but I was unsuccessful. No biggie, but I did have to manually re-edit all of the tracks and recompile the performances as each individual punch-in was now on a separate track.

Not sure if this is a common issue or maybe something that has been covered before, but I thought I'd mention it! Maybe Rim can chime in.

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Re: Bitrate file corruption

Post by Rim » Wed May 21, 2014 8:14 pm

I just fixed this exact bug in the update that just got released today. I think it went live a few minutes after you posted.


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