midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

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midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by perestroika » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:24 pm

i have auria pro 2.0.3 and using an ipad air 2

when creating a sequence in auria [sending midi out, no inter app audio] notes become stuck when stopping midway through playing a long note. or short. it doesn't matter. as long as i press stop as the note is playing, it becomes stuck. i can play the melody from the beginning and the note will still be playing until it plays the same note until the end.

on the midi track, i have the instruments off and i only send midi out to a synth. i have background audio on auria on and on the synths its also on as well [and they receive midi from auria as well]

rechecked all of the in/out connections and it happens every single time.

i tried other sequencers and no problems like this. i also shut down and restart the ipad but nothing fixes it.

changing the subject a bit, is there an option so when i zoom in on the piano roll window for the grid to become smaller and smaller? i know i can change the grid setting to 1/2-1/4-1/8 etc with different options, but whenever i draw notes, they are a bar in lenght and re sizing them is so weird.

i know i can change teh note duration as well, but it makes things much slower. i would suggest giving midi sketch or pro midi a look. pro midi has a lot of depth but also very easy to create melodies [it does have a strange problem with latency and i could never figure out how to have it receive clock to have everything in time with auria to record audio for example] - midi sketch is much simpler and almost zero options, but the piano roll editing is very simple and to the point.

i feel bad saying this, because i know its not easy to do a program as deep as auria, and having some random person say "hey, do it like this" must be frustrating. please dont hate me :'(

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by Rim » Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:41 pm

Auria outputs a MIDI message called All Notes Off whenever you press the stop button. Most synths respond to this and kill all the outstanding notes. It's possible you have a very old synth that doesn't listen to this message, or maybe there's a setting to enable that. All the synths I use here work fine when I press stop.

I'm not sure if it would confuse users to have the snapping settings automatically change as you zoom in further. I would think this would catch people off guard, because usually you want to have a particular snap setting and not have it change just because you zoomed.


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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by perestroika » Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:04 pm

Auria outputs a MIDI message called All Notes Off whenever you press the stop button. Most synths respond to this and kill all the outstanding notes. It's possible you have a very old synth that doesn't listen to this message, or maybe there's a setting to enable that. All the synths I use here work fine when I press stop.
i had no issues with auria and midi before. and it only happens with auria. tried fm4, dxi fm, phase84, ism-20, casio cz and lorentz.

i had made a simple quick song when i upgraded to pro and i had no issues [apart from being nitpicky with midi editing itself, which is just nitpicky stuff] and now that i had free time, i came across this problem.

i played with the midi options on the settings menu, changed stuff on the synths and it keeps happening. so what i'll do tonight is delete auria and re-download it and see if that does anything. hopefully its some weird fluke. i have not tried IAA because i feel its too resource heavy, even on a air2.
I'm not sure if it would confuse users to have the snapping settings automatically change as you zoom in further. I would think this would catch people off guard, because usually you want to have a particular snap setting and not have it change just because you zoomed.
would it be too much to have an on/off option? i am so spoiled with the sequencers i mentioned, and live on pc that i feel like a stubborn person that wants everything to behave the same way. anyway, i understand if its too much work to do something like this. i am no programer, but i understand the work behind it. specially on a crazy deep program like auria!

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by perestroika » Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:38 am

re-installed aria, did the restore purchase [to get the pro upgrade] and started a new project. the problem still persists. i create a midi track, turn off the instruments, go to fx, have midi out go to the synth [lorentz on this case] make sure background audio is on on auria & lorentz, decide to use channel 1 [or any other, or just leave the synth in omni]

with a simple melody created, whenever there is a note playing and i stop whileg that note is being played, it keeps playing [or stays in hold, some synths show the note being pressed on the keyboard]. if i play everything from teh beginning, the note will stop playing only when the same not plays again. unless its a mono synth like ims20, it just sounds like a glide thing.

but! i dont get this at all when using a synth as IAA. everything works as it should. its only when i have midi being sent from auria to a synth that i get this problem, and only when i stop playback while a note is playing.

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by Rim » Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:34 am

I just checked and Auria definitely is sending out an AllNotesOff message. It's possible Lorentz isn't listening to this on the CoreMIDI port (and only on the IAA port).


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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by perestroika » Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:48 am

its all of the synths that i mentioned that get this btw. ill try to record a video and upload it somewhere so you can see.

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by mschenkel » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:26 am

Did some tests
iPad pro, iOS 9.2.1
Auria Pro 2.03 as midi sequencer sending midi out via core midi directly to the synths with background audio on

Bug reported in:

Everything worked fine on:
Cube synth
Addictive synth
Crystal synth

I hope I didn't misplace any since I lost half the post halfway doin tests.
If needed I have a few other apps to test with.

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by perestroika » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:51 am

should have done a list too. only two synths for me work ok by sending midi out from auria to them. at least someone else has this too and its not me going crazy! though its nothing to be happy about obviously :(


zmors modular
casio cz

i still want to record a video to show rim, just no idea how to do it. my only video recorder is a ps vita. ill try to borrow a friends iphone and use that if i can

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by Rim » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:59 am

No need to send a video. I think I know what's going on. These apps simply don't listen to All Notes Off messages. They're supposed to (it's part of the MIDI spec), but they don't. I'll devise a scheme to send individual note offs instead, so these non-standard synths will respond as well.


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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by Washboy » Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:16 pm

@Rim : You may wish to try sending a ALL NOTES OFF for each channel, rather than for 0 only - and do it twice. That's what I've noticed some controllers do. Sending NOTE OFFs for each active NOTE ON I've also seen used - but, again, the sequence is sent at least twice. :)

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by krzycrs » Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:24 pm

Hey @Rim bumping this thread as it has been mentioned as unresolved by the OP, thanks, crs

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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by King » Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:35 am

I have this issue with Twin 2, muting and soloing sustains/sticks notes. I'm sure I've mentioned this before somewhere?
(And I believe sometimes lyra's too).

If needed I can do a full test and report..
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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by Rim » Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:42 pm

This is not an Auria issue, but rather various IAAs that aren't following the MIDi spec by listening to All Notes Off messages. If you see this with a particular app, please let the developer know to fix it.


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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by Atoms4Infants » Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:35 pm

Hi Rim,

Im not getting the stuck notes bug with a similar MIDI set up in Meteor DAW. It may be that iSEM is missing something but stopping the playhead halfway through a MIDI note does not produce a stuck note. Maybe Meteor sends extra note off messages when the play head is stopped? Could this be a possibility to solve this problem with Auria in combination other apps which have this issue?


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Re: midi notes stuck + midi piano roll improvements?

Post by King » Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:24 pm

Rim wrote:This is not an Auria issue, but rather various IAAs that aren't following the MIDi spec by listening to All Notes Off messages. If you see this with a particular app, please let the developer know to fix it.

Would this include Twin 2?

I can get a stuck note with it in any project.
Projects with no IAA's..

I don't mind contacting them..
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