Major Auria Announcement

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by martygras » Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:44 pm

Holiday wrote:So the update to Auria will pretty much negate any reason to obtain a sequencer app? Just curious because I've had my eye on a few sequencer apps and I already own Auria Pro.
You never know. Even if the sequencer part in Auria is great, it still may not be the right work flow for you since there are a few different approaches to sequencing and its editing tools. It depends on what you are used to and are you willing to update your skill set if need be.

I must admit, I can't wait to see the sequencer and sampler screens.
Marty Schulte [I'm a drummer. So, there's that.]
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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by wettybeatz » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:35 pm

Would auria pro use less cpu when using plugins ? Because that was my main issue, I couldn't mix a session with 20 tracks and add a fab filter pro Q the cpu was mad buzzing.

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by CEIsar » Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:57 pm

wettybeatz wrote:Would auria pro use less cpu when using plugins ? Because that was my main issue, I couldn't mix a session with 20 tracks and add a fab filter pro Q the cpu was mad buzzing.
Rim said it will use roundabout the same cpu power.Even more if you combine it with the new functions (obvioulsy).

@Rim:do you plan to support iOS 8 document picker for the Sampler?My huge Audioshare sample library would be very happy ;)
iPad Air 2 - WiFI - 128GB - iOS 9.1 - Auria Pro 2.01 - Roland Duo Capture EX

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by King » Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:30 pm

Hey @Rim, could you give us a status update on where you/we are with Pro?

Are we there yet! Hehe..

(1). Is there another video coming soon or will Pro be here soon enough that we won't need one?

(2). Can you give us a pic or two, 3 months is a long time to stay excited, (which a lot of us still are) but we need the little updates you are to posts. Im walking up n down these forums (Auria & AB) everyday. I'm having to look through 'Bug Reports' just to catch any info from you. :)

We're not asking for all the delicious details, but something, some piece of knowledge, Intelligence :-) anything..
(Give us something to ponder and talk about).

(3). How are you getting on, are the results your getting pleasing?
I know your working night and day, day and night!
(4). What are you currently working on? (What level/stage/area...)

I'm trying not to focus on one specific area, (i.e the Sampler) just a general summery of what's what!

Some of the work I'm currently doing has come to a stand-still (On hold) in anticipation of what's to come! I could do the various things in other apps, but I've left them for Pro. :)

Only 2months left of spring...

Cheers Man. :-) Need a fix!!! ;-)
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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by Ohmnoise » Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:46 pm

Dear Rim,

please take the time you need to do it right, nobody likes to have a kinda "Beta 2.0"-software.
And please consider the next coming iPad-product, which will have a bigger screen available.


iPad 3/16 GB - Alesis Dock - Auria 2.0 - ReTune - Audiobus - JamUp Pro - Alchemy Pro - DM1

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by King » Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:04 pm

@Ohmnoise, I notice you have ReTune on the bottom of your subprofile. Do you find that it works ok for you?

Plus we are also sure/confident Rim will do it right! ;-)

Auria Pro!
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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by CE3 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 11:41 pm

King - It sounds like they're working pretty hard to get this into beta soon, and I think they've been doing great about keeping people updated in this thread : ) I'm not sure how many more details they could provide that they haven't already. The video and the info in this thread offer a great preview of what's to come. More pics and vids before release seem like a waste of time.

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by King » Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:20 am

CE3 wrote:King - It sounds like they're working pretty hard to get this into beta soon, and I think they've been doing great about keeping people updated in this thread : ) I'm not sure how many more details they could provide that they haven't already. The video and the info in this thread offer a great preview of what's to come. More pics and vids before release seem like a waste of time.
Maybe to you!!!

I ask for what I want. And I'm speaking on behalf of a lot of customers. If Rim wants to answer he will, if he does not he won't. I'm sure he is able to choose for himself.

My post was addressed/directed to him.

Cheers for your input though! :roll:

Need my fix! :mrgreen: Don't mess with an Auria junkie!
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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by Rim » Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:57 am

Thanks guys, I appreciate all the patience. I'm hard at work, and will let you know as soon as we enter beta.


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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by King » Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:19 am

Nice one @Rim, it's good just to see even the smallest of posts.

Taking time out to speak with us, is always a smile. :)

Auria Junkie! ;)

I'll Be Back!!!...
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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by shiroiyuki » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:30 am


I'll get a little upset here...

Let me tell you my story so you understand why is that.

I bought Auria over a year ago, after I informed myself about the product as far as I could. It was a DAW without a MIDI Editor, but the 'Word' was like it comes 'soon' as a update. I got the impression, this update will come in 1 or 2 weeks, so I bought it to get familiar with the handling until the update completes the product.

Now, after over a Year, a new Auria Version is announced, with that promised MIDI Editing capabilities, and of course, you have to buy it again.

Now I'm really feel ripped off!

I've paid 50 Euros for the full Auria Version, plus all the PSP Plugins. In the past year, I've spend servel more Euros on MIDI-Sequencers to find one that works together with Auria (Start/stop behaviour). That was way more money that I've initially spend on the Auria App alone and I still got no satisfying solution.

Well, and today, there is still no update/new version that was first officially announced in january?
Sorry, but this is real customer ripoff. How much do I have to pay if that new Version ever comes out?

Right now Cubasis is on Sale, but I dont want to buy another Sequencer App only to find out its not working with the Auria combination and I, again, waste money. Then this new Auria announcement...
I really have no clue what to do and I dont like to feel like that.

As awesome as Auria is in itself, this stuff is the biggest rock in my way on making music on the ipad.
Its like a curse, everytime I'm starting to do some music on the ipad, it always ends up the same way. I'll shutdown the ipad and like to introduce it to the nearest wall, because some problems driving me crazy that I wont have if Auria had its promised MIDI capabilities. And on top of that it makes me feel dumb, dumb for spending so much money on stuff you cant work with like you thought you can and even spend more money on trying to fix that issues with 3rd party apps.

I'm sure not all having this issues because every musician has its own workflow. But I'm pretty sure, I'm not the only one who feels like this at the moment.


(now) pretty upset,

P.S.: If I could, I'd like to smack your head onto your desk just to show you how I feel in my head right now :evil:

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by shiroiyuki » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:08 am

Well, there is one more thing I dont understand and that bugges me.

Why did you wasted so much time on new skins and new features?
If you had focused work on the MIDI capabilities, they would have been already done long ago.
- People could have updated -> Happy Customers
- Product is complete -> New Happy Customers
- You probably taken off some Cubasis users -> More New Happy Customers

All theese Happy Customers wont even spend a sec thinking about getting the new Auria version or not, they would buy it and even the next version and so on.

But as it is, I feel like being forced to buy a new version, if it ever comes out before I drop that whole iPad stuff.
And this would be the last thing I will buy of course.

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by Tourniquet » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:25 am

I can understand the frustration @shiroiyuki,

It has been stated a few times that all of the IAP/plug-ins will transfer.

Initially, I must admit I was a bit put off by needing to pay something for Auria Pro. Once I saw the feature list, that soon left. I'll be happy to pay what ever it is to gain Auria pro.

I think it is a very good point about the midi stuff. I don't know if it would have been an easy add or not to the existing Auria. I don't see how this is much different than a NanoStudio2, or Beatmaker3. It looks like practically a brand new app.

As much as I like free updates/upgrades, I wouldn't feel right at all with pro being a free update. I can't imagine the amount of work that went into it. If I do a little bit of manufactured coding with my 8 year old with some program Gates created to teach programming my mind goes numb. I think it would melt if I ever tried to dabble in the real deal stuff.

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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by King » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:27 am

Hey Sascha/shiroiyuki

I can understand your frustration and anger. Some customers don't understand. (A year+ is long...)
People can come to rely on things for their livelihood, and other major reasons.

I'm a patient person myself but not having a date can keep your mind and projects in limbo.

However, we are in the second third of spring, so a little longer should be ok, and of course the update being spot on.

U already have Auria so you will get a reduced price. If you upgrade (not buy the Pro) your projects will be transferred automatically.
Plug-ins also will follow you to Pro.

Believe me I know what you mean!

Music making can be a hobby for some and a career for others (and those in between)

For me I'm feeling very optimistic about it (Pro). Just hang on in there a little while longer.

I do wish we had more info/updates regarding development. There are things that can be said, little things to keep us happy. Everyday, all day I'm checking these forums for Auria Pro info.

Won't be long now, I'm sure! :)

Edit: nice one @Tourniquet, seems we were writing at the Same time. ;)
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Re: Major Auria Announcement

Post by shiroiyuki » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:17 am

Thanks for the nice words folks. :)
Thank you for clearing the Plugin/Project and upcoming cost questions.

Well, yeah, the lack of MIDI really buges me, since I got the impression its coming 'soon' by update... (and the money I've spend to compensate it)
I'm sure I'll enjoy the new Auria version, but I will have that bitter taste of being forced to upgrade and spend money again for a promissed feature.

What really adds up is that I was in touch with them like 9 months ago because I had trouble getting Auria to work with MIDI Patter Sequencer (a not so cheap app). I got told that the MIDI Capabilities isnt a easy task and will take a while, but they never mentioned a new version I have to buy.

The Auria/MIDI Pattern Sequencer problem (they wont start both at the same time) never got solved by the way.
The Auria guys dont have/cant afford MIDI Pattern Sequencer and vice versa, so none of the developers of each app could investigate the problem.
Sounds funny but feels sad...

Well, I didnt used the whole thing for over half a year (that apogee interface sitting here is pretty dusty already), when I found out about that announcement. That was like 3 months ago and still no announcement when its coming, the few pictures of new skins, at the begining of this thread, really feels like a slap in the face.

So you see, I've put all my hopes into Auria, spend a shitload of money for interface and apps (half of that app money for 'unneeded' sequencers) and the main thing I'm playing around with is grooveboxes because it the frustration less thing to do with the ipad beside surfing the internet while waiting for the 'update' so this stuff gets to use.

Usually I would have already dropped stuff like that already, but there is to much money burned with this thing and I want to have to get some use out of it ffs.

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