Recent big problems

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Recent big problems

Post by sleepingangel » Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:15 pm

Hi I have been a devoted Auria users since it's inception. I will say there was a time when I swore it off but thankfully most of the problems were corrected ions ago. Well in the last month I have been having problems where Auria will not play. I hit the play button and nothing happens. Then when I try to reload etc I get crashes and it says I don't have enough memory. I don't understand because I even put it on airplane mode. I have a 128 gig mini2 and have never had these problems until one of the last updates I have nothing else loaded and 69 gigs free.
Please help because it's rendered this app now useless as I now have to go to what I consider lesser quality apps
Thank you
There have been other strange issues happening but sadly my mom was very sick and passed away on Valentines day and I have been unable to write or record the issues. But as I said this has only started happening in the last month

Thank you

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Re: Recent big problems

Post by Rim » Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:21 pm

Sounds like you might have a corrupted project that's causing you problems. Try creating a new project to see if you continue to have those memory warnings. If you still do, I suggest rebooting the iPad and also making sure you don't have any other apps running (double-tap on the home button and close everything you see there by swiping up).


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